The new version of the library is issued 2013/08/04.
Correction of a bug in the reading of the PBEAM properties from BDF files.
Correction of a bug in the PCOMP properties with symmetric laminates.
Addition of the support for 64bits XDB result files.
The “PostPproject.xls” example has been optimized. (Post-processing with COM component and excel.)
A few modifications in User Manual.
The new version of the library is issued 2013/08/18.
Correction of a several bugs in the XDB access:
Problems related to the identification of load cases.
Problems related to the reading of very large XDB files (size>2Gb).
The new version of the library is issued 2013/09/22.
Addition of four singleton methods to the Result class for the conversion of layer and sub-layer string and integer IDs.
Correction of a bug in the reading of BDF files: some real values were not recognized.
Modification of the acceptable COM arguments for conversion to “vector3”. Now, one accepts two-dimensional arrays 1*3 or 3*1. (Previously, only one-dimensional arrays were accepted.)
Modification of the “PostXdbRandom.xls” and “PostDesFacRandom.xls” workbooks that now allow to extract Results expressed in projected coordinate systems, and/or to select the layers for which values are extracted.
The new version of the library is issued 2013/11/11.
For Nastran Results, one now makes the difference between (linear) Stress and Strain tensors, and the “Nonlinear” corresponding results. Nonlinear stress and strain Results are read for CHEXA, CPENTA, CTETRA, CQUAD4 and CTRIA3 elements.
Modification of the Results for Nastran CGAP elements.
Correction of a bug in the reading of design variables history for Nastran SOL 200 output.
Correction of a bug in the “writeGmsh” method in generic “DataBase” class:
Previously only one value was printed per element/node was printed when several were present in the output Results. This may have been a problem when multi-layered Results were output.
Now an error message is issued when this kind of problem is detected and FeResPost throws an exception. (This error message is influenced by verbosity level.)
The responsibility of producing mono-layered Results for GMSH output is the user’s responsibility.
Correction of a bug in the reading of surface element forces, strain or stresses from XDB files. (Results at element corners were sometimes wrong.)
Correction of a bug in the reading of shell element complex strain and curvature Results from Nastran XDB files. (Generally, the curvatures were not correctly interpreted.)
CQUADR and CTRIAR element Results can now be read from XDB files.
Correction of a bug in “scanBdf” method of NastranDb class: comments in BDF lines are better taken into account.
Addition of “MergeAll” accepted value for “FromTo” parameter of “deriveByRemapping” in Result class.
Singleton methods “enableNasResElems” and “disableNasResElems” have been renamed “enableOp2ResElems” and “disableOp2ResElems” respectively.
Addition of singleton methods “enableXdbTables” and “disableXdbTables” to the NastranDb class to allow a better filtering of XDB tables reading.
Addition of the three “getBulkCardsEnableInfos”, “getOp2ResElemsEnableInfos” and “getXdbTablesEnableInfos” singleton methods in NastranDb class.
The description of Results read from Nastran OP2 and XDB result files has been updated (in particular, the reading of non-linear analysis Results from SOL 106, 129 and 400 analyses.
“printXdbDictionnary” method has been added to NastranDb class.
Modification of nil argument conversions in Strings or Arrays, Hashes: the conversion results in a void String, or Array or Hash.
The new version of the library is issued 2014/01/04:
The reading of Nastran 32 bits and 64 bits OP2 files is now possible.
The examples are also modified:
The post-processing project in excel has been updated. A button has been added to the “LcSelector” spreadsheet to help the debugging of data.
The new version of the library is issued 2014/02/02:
Correction of several memory segmentation bugs related to the replacement of several “strncpy” by “memcpy” in issue 4.2.4 of the library.
Addition of “initToZero” method to the “Result” class.
The new version of the library is issued 2014/08/24:
Correction of two bugs in the “checkGroupExists” and “checkAbbreviationExists” methods of the generic DataBase class in ruby extension.
For the reading of Nastran BDF files, the “rfinclude” and “rfalter” include statements are now taken into account. Note however than in FeResPost, these statements are considered to be strictly equivalent to the usual “include” statement.
Correction of a bug in the identification of included files in the “include” statements of “readBdf” method.
Modification of “min” and “max” derivations in “deriveDyadic” method of the Result class. Now, the dyadic derivation can be done for vectorial or tensorial Results. (See section I.4.5.)
Correction of a bug in the modification of coordinate systems wrt which the components of tensors or vectors are expressed. (The THETA parameter used in the definition of material orientation was not always taken into account.)
Addition of BBBT accessor to XDB files. Previously, only the HK access was supported. Note However that the reading of Grid Point Forces fails and throws an exception if several sub-cases are defined in a load case (SOL103, sol105, SOL106...).
The new version of the library is issued 2015/01/01:
Correction of a bug in the reading of Nastran BDF files: the “include” statements on several lines before “BEGIN BULK” statement are now processed correctly (hopefully without bug).
Correction of several bugs in the conversion of COM Arrays. (Segmentation faults possible when exceptions were thrown.)
Addition of “writeNastranCardToVectStr” method to “NastranDb” class.
Addition of methods “getMpcNodes”, “getMpcDependentNodes” and “getMpcIndependentNodes” to “NastranDb” class.
Correction of a bug in “writeGmsh” method of “DataBase” class. Problems occurred when void Strings were associated to Result, Mesh or Skeleton outputs.
Correction of a small bug in “scanBdf” method of “NastranDb” class. (Management of the include directories.)
Correction of the Python examples with COM component.
A few corrections in the User Manual.
The new version of the library is issued 2015/01/18:
Correction of a major bug in the reading of Nastran BDF files: the “include” statements should work better now. (The “corrections” in version 4.2.7 were actually catastrophic.)
A few corrections in the User Manual.
The new version of the library is issued 2015/04/06:
Correction of a bug in the Nastran CoordSys class. (The building of CORD1R, CORD1C or CORD1S wrt 0 failed when the nodes defining the object were defined wrt 0.)
Correction of a bug in the reading of stresses or strains from XDB files at corners of solid elements.
Addition of method “fillcard” to the NastranDb class. (See section III.1.1.5.)
A few corrections in the User Manual.