The new version of the library is issued 2007/11/04.
Addition of methods “readGroupsFromPatranSession” and “readGroupsFromSamcefDat”to the “Post” module.
Correction of a few minor bugs.
Addition of composite failure criteria in CLA classes, or renaming of some of the existing criteria.
Some failure criteria imported from Samcef or Nastran finite element Results have been renamed.
Critical ply Results are no longer produced when Nastran layered failure indices are read from a Nastran op2 file.
Corrections brought to the calculation of Tsai-Wu criterion.
Addition of several derivation methods for the “deriveDyadic” method of Result class. Corresponding methods have been added to the “Post” Module.
Addition of the “writeGmshMesh” method to the generic “DataBase” Class. Modification of the corresponding example in section IV.2.5.4.
Finalization of the separation of solvers (Nastran and Samcef).
The modifications of the manual correspond to some of the modifications of the library. Moreover:
The manual is completely restructured in such a way that the preferences for the different supported solvers are discussed in a separate Part of the manual.
Addition of the example “TESTSAT/RUBY/EX02/writeGroupEntities.rb” that illustrates the reading of Groups into a Hash object.
Addition of examples illustrating the calculation of composite failure indices from shell forces and moments. The examples are defined for static load cases as well as dynamic ones.
The new version of the library is issued 2008/01/01.
Correction of a bug in the reading of ILSS from ESAComp EDF files.
Addition of new capabilities to the method “modifyRefCoordSys” in “Result” Class.
The modifications of the manual correspond to some of the modifications of the library. Moreover:
Addition of an example illustrating the “Beam Forces” and “Beam Moments” recovered from Nastran CBAR element Results.
Addition of an example illustrating the new capabilities of “modifyRefCoordSys” method in DataBase Class.
New explanation for the coordinate systems in NastranDb and SamcefDb Classes.
More information about the peculiarities of “writeGmsh” methods in NastranDb and SamcefDb Classes.
Minor modification of example “EX01/readBdf”. An error message is issued if the second “readBdf” fails.
The new version of the library is issued 2008/01/13.
Addition of methods for the activation/deactivation of reading of composite layered Results. These methods are defined in generic DataBase class (section I.1.3.2).
Correspondingly the two methods “activateSamcefSubLayerResCodes” and “desactivateSamcefSubLayerResCodes” previously defined in SamcefDb class have been erased.
Correction of a small bug in the reading of ILS failure indices from Nastran op2 Result files.
The modifications of the manual correspond to some of the modifications of the library. Moreover:
Modification of the example in section IV.2.4.1 to illustrate the deactivation of composite element layered results reading.
The new version of the library is issued 2008/01/20.
Correction of a bug in the reading of Nastran PBEAM properties.
Reading of the nodal temperature results from Nastran “op2” and “xdb” result files.
The name of sub-cases no longer include the units of time or frequencies (when applicable). For example “Mode 1 (f = 2.2526 Hz)” becomes “Mode 1 (f = 2.2526)” and “Step 12 (t = 8.6591 s)” becomes “Step 12 (t = 8.6591)”.
Correction of a small bug in the modification of coordinate systems for Nastran Results.
The modifications of the manual correspond to some of the modifications of the library. Moreover:
Correction of an error in the description of methods in Group class “clearAllEntitiesByType” method).
Small modification of the example devoted to the manipulation of complex Results in sectionIV.2.4.6.
The new version of the library is issued 2008/01/27.
Removing a few “write” statements that has been added for debugging of the PBEAM property reading.
“readBdf” method of NastranDb class has now up to five arguments. The additional argument corresponds to symbols that can be substituted in the file names in include statements.
The modifications of the manual correspond to some of the modifications of the library. Moreover:
The example illustrating the reading of Nastran Bulk Data Files has been modified to illustrate the use of symbols in include statements and the related modifications in NastranDb “readBdf” method.
The new version of the library is issued 2008/02/03.
Addition of a parameter to “readOp2” method of “NastranDb” class to allow the reading of op2 Result files for post-processors other than Patran.
Reading of the “BOPHIG” and "BOUGV1" result tables from op2 files.
Reading of Nastran element energies from op2 files as well as xdb files.
he modifications of the manual correspond to some of the modifications of the library.
The new version of the library is issued 2008/02/10.
Correction of a bug in the extraction of CoordSys objects from Nastran or Samcef DataBases.
Correction of several bugs in the manipulation of user-defined CoordSys objects.
Modification of the method “initWith3Points” defined in “CoordSys” class. A DataBase object must be added to the list of arguments.
A few modification of reading of des and fac files into “SamcefDb” DataBases.
he modifications of the manual correspond to some of the modifications of the library. Moreover:
The post-processing examples have been modified. Addition of criteria to the PostConnect class and correction of one bug in the calculation of the norm of direction defining the axis of a connection.
The new version of the library is issued 2008/02/24.
Correction of a bug in “extractResultOnLayers” method in Result class.
A few other minor modifications.
The modifications of the manual correspond to some of the modifications of the library.