“deriveTensorToOneScal” method builds a new Result object by performing an operation on all the values of the Result object to which it is applied. The Result object to which the method is applied must be tensorial. The created Result object is scalar. Possible values of the “Method” String argument are:
“Component XX”: returns the corresponding component of the tensor.
“Component XY”: returns the corresponding component of the tensor.
“Component XZ”: returns the corresponding component of the tensor.
“Component YX”: returns the corresponding component of the tensor.
“Component YY”: returns the corresponding component of the tensor.
“Component YZ”: returns the corresponding component of the tensor.
“Component ZX”: returns the corresponding component of the tensor.
“Component ZY”: returns the corresponding component of the tensor.
“Component ZZ”: returns the corresponding component of the tensor.
“VonMises”: returns the equivalent Von Mises stress assuming that the tensorial Result is a stress.
“MaxShear”: returns the maximum shear evaluated from the maximum and minimum principal values according to Mohr’s theory.
“MaxPrincipal”: returns the maximum principal value.
“MinPrincipal”: returns the minimum principal value.
“det” or “abs”: returns the determinant of the tensor.
“2DMaxShear”: returns the maximum shear evaluated from the maximum and minimum principal values according to Mohr’s theory, assuming that the tensor is a 2D tensor (all components ).
“2DMaxPrincipal”: returns the maximum principal value assuming that the tensor is a 2D tensor (all components ).
“2DMinPrincipal”: returns the minimum principal value assuming that the tensor is a 2D tensor (all components ).
“VonMises2D”: returns the equivalent Von Mises stress assuming that the tensorial Result is a stress. The calculation is done considering that Szz, Sxz and Syz components are zero. (It is user’s responsibility to make sure that the stress tensor is expressed in a coordinate system such that the call to method makes sense.)
All the methods listed above work for Real Tensorial Results. For Complex Results, only the methods of Component extractions can be used.