The new version of the library is issued 2021/03/28. Modifications of the library:
In Python library, method “NastranDb.writeGroupsFromPatranSession” is renamed “writeGroupsToPatranSession”.
Iterator “each_bdfCard” has been modified in such a way that all intermediate real values read from Nastran BDF file are stored in double precision real values until the production of iterator values. This reduces the loss of accuracy in variables read from BDF files when large field format is used.
Correction of “writeNastranCardToVectStr” and “writeNastranCardsToVectStr” methods in Python library.
Small modification in the “readOp2” method in NastranDb class to allow the reading of Autodesk’s Inventor Nastran results.
Better distinction between RBE (Rigid Body Elements) and MPC (Multi Point Constraints) is now done. Therefore, the behaviour of several methods is modified and user needs to adapt its post-processing scripts.
Correction of a bug in composite failure criteria “Hashin_c” and “Hashin3D_c”.
Correction of a bug in the reading of HDF CWELD element stress or strain Results.
Old Method | New Method | Comments |
each_mpc | each_rbe | method is renamed |
NbrMpcs | NbrRbes | method is renamed |
getNbrRbes | NbrRbes | Becomes an attribute “getter” |
NbrMpcs | New method | |
getMpcNodes | getRbeNodes | for rigid body elements |
getMpcDependentNodes | getRbeDependentNodes | for rigid body elements |
getMpcIndependentNodes | getRbeIndependentNodes | for rigid body elements |
getMpcNodes | getMpcNodes | for MPC/MPCADD cards |
getMpcDependentNodes | getMpcDependentNodes | for MPC/MPCADD cards |
getMpcIndependentNodes | getMpcIndependentNodes | for MPC/MPCADD cards |
fillCard | fillCard | RBE and MPC cards are distinguished |
fillCards | new method | |
each_mpcId | New method | |
getNbrRbes | NbrRbes | Becomes an attribute “getter” |
The new version of the library is issued 2021/07/30. Modifications of the library:
Correction of a bug in the reading of Shell Moments from HDF files for random analysis. The modification of bending components sign has been removed.
Correction of a bug in the reading of ILSS failure indices from HDF files.
Correction of a bug in the reading of beam stations from Nastran stress/strain in CBAR elements from XDB files.
Addition of a few checks to prevent segmentation faults when attempting to read Results from Nastran HDF5 files without first loading HDF5 dll library.
Harmonisation of the integer and real IDs associated to Results read from Nastran OP2, H5 and XDB files. (In general, former OP2 reading is chosen as reference.)
Correction of a bug in “readDesFac2H” method in “SamcefDb” class.
The new version of the library is issued 2022/01/01. Modifications of the library:
Correction of a bug in the reading of Grid Point Forces from Nastran OP2 files. (Previously, results were not correct for models containing CROD elements when the option “RIGID=LAGR” was used.)
Correction of a bug in Python extensions: a “Py_INCREF” has been added to all the methods returning a borrowed reference to Python object. (All methods of “Result” class returning the object wer affected by the bug.)
In “DataBase” class, correction of a bug in the writing of formatted GMSH files.
Correction in a regression in NastranDb class. MAT4 and MAT5 material types are now again supported in the conversion to CLA materials.
Reading of real format accelerations and velocities from Nastran XDB files.
Reading of Nastran SOL107 and SOL159 results from NASTRAN HDF5 files.
Correction of a bug for the reading of CBEAM element stress/strain from NASTRAN HDF5 file.
Some reworking of the sources to prevent unwanted compilation warnings. This has been an opportunity to fix some issues that might become a bug with some compilers.
The new version of the library is issued 2022/08/15. Modifications of the library:
Programming of the reading of nonlinear Results from Nastran HDF5 result files.
Modifications and corrections of the naming of subcases for nonlinear Results. (For example, for Nastran CGAP and CBUSH elements.)
Addition of several methods for the “raw” reading of datasets from Nastran HDF5 Result files. (See section III.1.1.11.)
In .NET assembly, “FromTo” and “Method” arguments have been swapped in the “Result.deriveByRemapping” method. (Considered as the correction of a bug;)
Some optimization of the “keys” and “values” classes and their storage in “Result” objects.
Addition of “interaction” predefined criteria that should ease the programming of interaction between several failure criteria. (See sections X.D.1.6 and IV.2.4.3.)
Also a few corrections in User Manual.
The new version of the library is issued 2023/01/01. Modifications of the library:
Addition of a new “Interaction_abg_N_SR” predefined criterion. (See sections X.D.1.6 and IV.2.4.3.)
Correction of a few minor bugs.
The ruby post-processing example is modified as follows:
For the connections, one adds the calculation of a bolt failure criterion according to method presented in NASA-STD-5020 B [otNCE21]. For the calculation, one uses new “Interaction_abg_N_SR” predefined criterion introduced in section X.D.1.6.
The definition of data for the post-processing of connections in ruby project is done by reading “Interfaces.csv” CSV file. The file format and associated ruby interpretation code have been modified to increase the flexibility of data definition. (See section IV.4.2.)
For all the excel examples using COM component, the extension of excel files is changed from “.xls” to “.xlsm”.
Binaries compiled for additional versions of Python and ruby.
Also a few corrections in User Manual.
The new version of the library is issued 2023/04/10. Modifications of the library:
Correction of a bug in the Result class. (Segmentation fault occurred for some operations on Result objects with empty key-values associative container.
Correction of Python wrapping classes. Some attributes were not correctly defined.
Correction of a bug in method “getHdfAttachmentLcInfos” of .NET assembly.
Optimizations in the Result class. (Significant time saving is obtained in many cases.)
Correction of bugs in the extraction methods of Result class.
Minor improvements of the generation of Word reports in post-processing project.
Suport for the superelements.
The new version of the library is issued 2023/08/14. Modifications of the library:
For the reading of Nastran Grid Point Forces with “RIGID=LAGRANGE” option, creation of two new Results: “Grid Point Forces, MPC Internal Forces” and “Grid Point Forces, MPC Internal Moments”.
On the other hand, the reading of Nastran Results no longer produces “Reaction Forces” and “Reaction Moments”. (These Results were previously produced when Grid Point Forces, MPC Forces or SPC Forces wer read.) The user that needs the previous Reactions can easily obtain them adding corresponding SPC and MPC Results.
A few minor corrections in the reading of Results.
Addition of Result extraction methods based on the MPCs contained in groups. The new list of available Result extraction “methods” is given in Table I.4.6 of section I.4.3.1. This modification applies to several extraction methods as getResultCopy, getAttachmentResults and extractResultOnEntities.
The BATCH files for running the examples on Windows have been updated to better considered that sources are no longer compiled with the “-static” option. You will have to adapt the environment variables to your installation.
The new version of the library is issued 2024/01/01. Modifications of the library:
Reading of Samcef Results is improved. For example, one can read buckling (stabi) results when several static load cases are processed in the same run.
Module “common:util::splitStringRE” is removed from file “COMMON/util/util.cpp”. It seems that the sregex_token_iterator is not very well supported by some versions of C++ compiler. (Nota that this method was never called.)
Correction of a bug in the reading of Shell Forces from Samcef DES/FAC files.
Correction of a bug in Nastran CQUAD8 element. (nbrCornerNodes is 4 and not 8.) This bug led to errors when exporting model in GMSH files.
Support for Nastran POINT, SPOINT and EPOINT cards. Corresponding FEM entities are considered as nodes.
MSC Nastran CPYRAM element is supported. Corresponding results can be read from OP2 and HDF5 files.
Modification of the reading of Nastran cards in free format. (Should be a little more robust.)
A few modifications in the ruby post-project:
Correction of a several bugs.
Improvement of the calculation of the bolts according to [otNCE21].
Addition of the “RSS” type of envelopes. (See section IV.4.4.)
Addition of a “PrjExcept” class for a better tracking of errors in “PostProject”. (See section IV.4.5.1.)
Finally, the binaries are no longer compiled with the “static” option as it lead to problems in the management of C++ exceptions. The Windows libraries are compiled on two different computers with Windows 10 and Windows 11. corresponding archives are duffixed with “w10” and “w11” respectively. Let us hope that, provided you choose the appropriate archive, this will prevent dll compatibility issues when installed on your computer.
The new version of the library is issued 2024/06/16. Modifications of the library:
Correction in the ACID for Results read from HDF5 files in NASTRAN/hdf/dispatch_nodalTR.cpp.
Correction of an error in the coordinate transformation of CBEAM element results in file NASTRAN/element/allForCS.cpp.
Correction of several bugs in the extraction of “Element forces” , “Stress” or “Strain” Results from HDF attachment. (Some of the extractions resulted in “Segmentation Faults” during execution of FeResPost.)
Correction of a bug in the naming of random load cases read from HDF result files.
In “NastranDb” class, harmonisation of the extraction of Results from XDB and HDF files.
Correction of a bug in Python iterators of “NastranDb” class.
Addition of a few “Py_INCREF(Py_None);” in Python wrapper functions to prevent attempts to destroy the Py_None object.
Addition of the “ElemNodePoints” location for the output of Results in GMSH file in section I.1.8.
Methods “Post.openMsgOutputFile” and “Post.closeMsgOutputFile” are no longer available. On the other hand, one adds several methods allowing the specification of output stream in which information messages are printed. (See section I.6.1 for more information.)
Modification of the management of exceptions. For ruby extension, explanation is given in section I.6.12. The management of exception with Python, COM and .NET assemblies.
Correction of a few “minor” bugs.
The new version of the library is issued 2024/08/24. Modifications of the library:
Addition of optional parameter “NasParam” to the “readOp2” methods of NastranDb class. Using this parameter allows to fix some issues in the reading of OP2 IFP tables. (Table formats depending on version of Nastran.) Specifically, it has been done to solve problems when reading MAT2 and MAT9 IFP tables. Remember however that reading the model from an OP2 file is not recommended!
In Python, COM and .NET: correction of three “readOp2*” methods: the scanning of “What” parameter has been removed.
For rigid body elements, support for ALPHA and TREF fields has been added to allow compatibility with recent versions of MSC Nastran. A few bugs have been fixed in these RBE elements.
Modification of “ElemCenter” location for the CBUSH element. It now corresponds to the spring-damper location. It no longer corresponds to the middle of grids A and B.
Several corrections have been done in the manual and a few examples illustrating new capabilities are presented. The description of ruby post-processing projects in chapter IV.4 has been improved:
For example, a more detailed description of the different “post” classes is given, with Tables describing the object construction parameters.
This was the occasion to improve the programming of these classes and restore coherence between the constructions of different objects. This means that the “post” classes presented in the examples are modified and the construction of these objects are modified accordingly.
The “PostConnect” class of the post-processing project is significantly modified. It now allows a the calculation of connections using Beam Forces and Beam Moments from CBUSH, CBAR or CBEAM elements.
In ruby post-processing project, the VBA of “reportToExcelAndWord.xlsm” excel workbook has been modified to prevent some exceptions depending on the Windows or Microsoft Office configuration.