This module and the associated variables manage the archiving of Results. One of the module variables is a collection of arrays called “archiveList”. Each element in the collection contains the information necessary to archive one Result for later re-use:
One string corresponding to the name of worksheet in which the Results are saved.
One excel range of cells corresponding to the title inserted in the worksheet when it is created, i.e. when the worksheet is first accessed.
One excel range of cells corresponding to the values to be saved. (The number of columns in this range should preferably match the number of columns in the “title” selection.)
On excel range of cells corresponding to a test allowing to determine whether a selected line in the “values” range is to be archived. The check is done on a line-by-line basis. The number of lines in this range must match the number of lines in “values” range. The number of columns must be 1. (This argument has been added to avoid archiving some parts of the Results when necessary.)
The elements of each array correspond actually to the arguments of function “saveToArchive” used in post-processing worksheets. ‘saveToArchive” function returns a string that allows a check of the validity of arguments. It is the calculation of these functions that fills the “archiveList” collection in the module. This means that a recalculation of the worksheets must be performed before the archiving of Results. (By pressing “ArchiveResults” button in “LcSelector” worksheet for example). Also, the calculation of worksheets must be redone after pushing “ReinitArchiveResults” button in “LcSelector” worksheet. Indeed, the “ReinitArchiveResults” button clears the “archiveList” collection. This “clearing” operation may be useful to re-create the “archiveList” collection after a modification of the post-processing worksheets.