The method “calcLaminateProperties” calculates the laminate properties of the ClaLam object. This means that the stiffness and compliance matrices, the thermal-expansion vectors are estimated and stored into the laminate object. This method can be called only after all the plies of the laminate have been inserted into the object. The method has one argument: a ClaDb object in which all the materials used in the lay-up definition have to be stored (otherwise, an exception is raised). Note that when a ClaLam object is inserted into a ClaDb, the “calcLaminateProperties” method is called automatically, with this ClaDb object as argument.
Six methods allow to retrieve the properties of a laminate:
“get_ABBD” returns the ABBD stiffness matrix. More precisely, the object returned by this method is an Array of 6 elements. Each element corresponds to one line of the matrix and is an Array of 6 Real objects.
“get_G” returns the out-of-plane shear stiffness matrix. More precisely, the object returned by this method is an Array of 2 elements. Each element corresponds to one line of the matrix and is an Array of 2 Real objects.
“get_alfaEh1”, “get_alfaEh2” and‘ ‘get_alfaEh3” return 3-components vectors , and as defined by equations (II.1.56), (II.1.57) and (II.1.58) respectively.
“get_alfaGh1” and “get_alfaGh2” return 2-components vectors and as defined by equations (II.1.66) and (II.1.67) respectively.
“get_betaEh1”, “get_betaEh2” and “get_betaEh3” return 3-components vectors , and as defined by equations (II.1.71), (II.1.72) and (II.1.73) respectively.
“get_betaGh1” and “get_betaGh2” return 2-components vectors and as defined by equations (II.1.80) and (II.1.81) respectively.
“get_abbd_complMat” returns the abbd compliance matrix. (Format similar as “get_ABBD”.)
“get_g_complMat” returns the out-of-plane shear compliance matrix. More precisely, the object returned by this method is an Array of 2 elements. Each element corresponds to one line of the matrix and is an Array of 2 Real objects.
“get_alfae0”, “get_alfae1”, “get_alfak0” and “get_alfak1” return 3-components Array containing the components of laminate CTE vectors , , and as defined by expressions (II.1.61), (II.1.62), (II.1.63) and (II.1.64).
“get_alfas0” and “get_alfas1” return 2-components Arrays containing the components of laminate CTE vectors and defined by expressions (II.1.69) and (II.1.70).
“get_betae0”, “get_betae1”, “get_betak0” and “get_betak1” return 3-components Array containing the components of laminate CTE vectors , , and as defined by expressions (II.1.75), (II.1.76), (II.1.77) and (II.1.78).
“get_betas0” and “get_betas1” return 2-components Arrays containing the components of laminate CTE vectors and defined by expressions (II.1.82) and (II.1.83).
“get_engineering” returns a Hash containing equivalent engineering constants of the laminate. More precisely in-plane moduli and Poisson coefficients are returned for in-plane loading, in-plane with curvature constrained to zero, and pure flexion of the laminate. Each element of the Hash is a pair String-Real. The different values of the Strings are: "E_xx", "E_yy", "G_xy", "nu_xy", "nu_yx", "E_k0_xx", "E_k0_yy", "G_k0_xy", "nu_k0_xy", "nu_k0_yx", "E_f_xx", "E_f_yy", "G_f_xy", "nu_f_xy", "nu_f_yx", "G_xz", "G_yz".
“get_LambdaT” returns the in-plane thermal conductance matrix .
“get_LambdaH” returns the in-plane moisture conductance matrix .
These five methods have one optional Real argument that corresponds to a rotation angle wrt laminate axes. If the argument is omitted, zero value is assumed and the engineering constants are calculated in laminate axes. The angle is specified in .
Four methods return Real scalar values:
“get_thickness” returns the total thickness of the laminate .
“get_surfacicMass” returns the surfacic mass of the laminate .
“get_averageDensity” returns the average density of the laminate .
“get_R33T” returns the out-of-plane thermal conductance of the laminate .
“get_RhoCpH” returns the thermal surfacic capacity of the laminate .
“get_R33H” returns the out-of-plane moisture conductance of the laminate .
These methods have no arguments.
The different calculated results from the ClaLam object are expressed in the units system associated with the object.