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I.4.1.1 “Keys”

The “keys” of Results correspond to the entities to which “values” are associated. For example, a key may be:

So, at C++ level, each key is characterized by four integers:

At ruby level, one can work with either the C++ integer ids, or their string correspondent. The correspondence between string and integers are given in Tables I.4.2, I.4.3, I.4.4 and I.4.5. The data given in these Tables can be completed by additional data peculiar to the different supported solvers. (See Part III for more information.)

In Table I.4.4, the last layers IDs cannot be attributed to Result keys. The elements corresponds to groups of layers and are used to perform extraction operations:

Table I.4.2: Correspondence between element strings and their integer ids.
No element association
"NONE" -1
For Results associated to elements
"elem 1" 1
"elem 2" 2
"elem 3" 3
"elem ..." ...

Table I.4.3: Correspondence between special nodes for element Results and their integer ids.
No node association
"NONE" -999
For Results associated to nodes
"node 1" 1
"node 2" 2
"node 3" 3
"node ..." ...

Table I.4.4: Correspondence between Result layer names and their integer ids.
For unlayered Results
Undefined layer
For stress recovery in bars and beams
"Point A" -201
"Point B" -202
"Point C" -203
"Point D" -204
"Point E" -205
"Point F" -206
For 2D elements
"Z0"1 -100
"Z1" -101
"Z2" -102
For Results in laminates (positive layers)
"layer 1" 1
"layer 2" 2
"layer 3" 3
"layer ..." ...
Group of layers for extraction operations
"Beam Points" -2001
"Shell Layers" -2002
"All Plies" -2003
"All Layers" -2004

Table I.4.5: Correspondence between Result sub-layer names and their integer ids. ("All Sub-Layers" is used for extractions only.)
"NONE" 0
"All Sub-Layers" 50
"Bottom" 101
"Mid" 102
"Top" 103

Note that the notion of “key” is also closely related to the “ResKeyList” ruby class which is simply a list of key objects (see Chapter I.5).