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II.1.10.20 Hashin criteria

This criterion is meant to be used for uni-directional materials. Direction 1 is assumed to be direction of fibers. One first presents the way the reserve factor is calculated:

Finally, the reserve factor is given by:

RFHashin = min (RFb,RFc) .

Here again, the calculation of failure index is based on the calculation of the reserve factor:

FIHashin = 1 RFHashin,

in which the safety factor used in the calculation of the RF is 1, and the strength ratio is calculated as

SRHashin = 1 RFHashin,

in which one keeps the value of safety factor.

The criterion presented above is referred to by “Hashin” criterion in FeResPost. Correspondingly, one defines version “Hashin_b” in which only the fiber failure is checked and “Hashin_c” in which only the matrix failure is checked. (These correspond to the values RFb and RFc calculated above.)